

Osteomyelitis - Orthopaedics

Osteomyelitis - Orthopaedics It is an infection of bone. -Vertebrae are the most commonly bones in adults. -And in childrens long bones are affected.   common causative organisms s. aureus streptococci h. influenzae p. aeruginosa salmonella pathophysiology Once the bacteria enters the bone tissue, they bind to the host tissue and starts to produce the polysaccharide extracellular matrix. In chronic cases: infection leads to devascularization of affected bone and then necrosis and resorption of surrounding bone- leading to sequestrum. *sequestrum: floating piece of dead bone* Involucrum means a layer of new bone growth might also form after sequestrum. the region will be encased in a thick sheath of periosteal new bone. RISK FACTORS [mnemonic- DIE] Diabetes mellitus                                                              ...

Want to learn anatomy and physiology easiest way?

Do you aspire to learn about human physiology and anatomy then you would consider this product and sharpen all the necessary knowledge in the field of anatomy? Take a look at the product review below: Who Is The Author Of The Product? The author of this product is Dr. James Ross, who has in the field of teaching in physiology and anatomy for almost two decades. He has a P.H.D in the integrative Physiology which he completed in the year 1992. He has been writing some popular journals and magazine since he completed the P.H.D James was recently nominated in the poster prize at the BNSAC in the year 2008. The event was held in the University of Briston. In addition to that, the author in the year 2004 founded the “Inner Health,” which is a training school for nurses and also paramedics in Pennsylvania. Something important to note about the author is that since the year 1996 Dr. James has been vital in helping out junior’s doctors, students, and also practitioners to learn and even master ...


NECROSIS Any Disturbances from external environment beyond the limits of homeostasis can lead to premature cell death, known as necrosis.  Necrosis may be caused by ischaemia, infection, poisoning etc. Types The types of necrosis include: • Coagulative necrosis • Liquefactive necrosis • Fat necrosis • Caseous necrosis • Gangrenous necrosis Coagulative Necrosis  It is the common type of necrosis and it is caused by ischaemic injury which results in hypoxic death of cells in all tissues except the brain.  On gross examination,  the affected tissue will be pale in colour and firm in texture. Microscopically,  increased eosinophilia of the cytoplasm and decreased basophilia of the nucleus are seen. Liquefactive Necrosis  This occurs in situations in which enzymatic breakdown is more prominent than protein denaturation unlike coagulative necrosis.  It is usually associated with bacterial or fungal infections because microbes stimulate the accumulation...


TRIANGLES OF NECK There are 2 triangles of neck 1. Anterior triangle 2. Posterior triangle ANTERIOR TRIANGLE OF THE NECK The anterior triangle is present at the front of the neck. On either side of the neck. BOUNDARIES Superior border: It is bounded by inferior border of mandible. Medial border: It is bounded by the imaginary midline of neck . Lateral border: It is bounded by anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. CONTENTS The contents of anterior triangle are muscles, nerves, arteries, veins and lymph nodes. Muscles : suprahyoid muscle- Superior,  Infrahyoid muscle - Inferior Arteries : Common carotid artery Vein : Internal jugular vein Nerves:  Facial nerve, Glossopharyngeal nerve, Vagus nerve, Accessory nerve, Hypoglossal nerve. SUBDIVISIONS The triangle is subdivide by hyoid bone, suprahyoid and infrahyoid muscles into four triangle. CAROTID TRIANGLE BORDER:  The borders of the carotid triangle are: Superior border :  The superior ...


 FIBROID Fibroid is the commonest benign tumor of the  uterus and is common benign tumor  in female. Risk factors The major risk factors are : • Nulliparity • Obesity • Hyperestrogenic state • Multiparity • Smoking Complications The major complications of fibroids are: Degenerations Necrosis Infection Sarcomatous change is very RARE Torsion of subserous pedunculated fibroid Hemorrhage Polycythemia due to: Erythropoietic function by the tumor Altered or changed erythropoietic function of the kidney through ureteric pressure. INVESTIGATIONS  The uterine fibroids can be diagnosed from the history and pelvic examination. Ultrasound and Color Doppler (TVS) findings are: (i) Uterine contour is distorted .  (ii) Depending on the amount of connective tissue or smooth muscle proliferation, fibroids are of different echogenecity they may be hypoechoic or hyperechoic.  (iii) Vascularization is at the periphery of the fibroid.  (iv) Central vascula...


 Endometriosis Definition Presence of endometrium in sites other than uterine mucosa is called endometriosis. or Endometriosis is a condition in which endometrial tissue is situated at sites other than the uterine cavity. It is not a neoplastic condition,  although malignant transformation is possible. It is most commonly seen in the pouch of Douglas, ovaries,  pelvic peritoneum, bladder, umbilicus and lungs. Risk Factors The major risk factors of endometriosis: Early menarche Family history of endometriosis in past Short menstrual cycles Prolonged and heavy menstrual bleeding Any defects in the uterus or fallopian tubes Common sites The most common sites of the endometriosis are as f ollows : Ovaries is the very common site Lateral pelvic wall Broad ligament Pouch of Douglas Uterosacral ligaments Rectal wall Sigmoid colon Appendix Pelvic lymph nodes Fallopian tubes pleura  lungs umbilicus Pathology—General Considerations The endometrium like tissue responds to the...


OSTEOPOROSIS   Osteoporosis is commonest metabolic bone disease.   osteoporosis is characterised by a reduction in the bone density due to a decrease in the bone mass. This occurs when the rate of bone resorption exceeds the rate of bone formation.  CAUSES Several aetiological factors are present. Commonest factor in males is senility and in females is menopause . Causes of generalized osteoporosis : Senility Post-immobilization  example : a bed-ridden patient  Post-menopausal Protein deficiency,  Inadequate intake – old age, illness Malnutrition Malabsorption Excess protein loss (3rd degree burns, CRF etc.)  Endocrine Cushing's disease,  Cushing's syndrome,  Hyperthyroid stat e  Drug induced Long term steroid therapy ,  Phenobarbitone therapy . CLINICAL FEATURES  Osteoporosis is an asymptomatic disorder unless complications predominantly fractures occur.  Loss of bone mass leads to loss of strengt...


Ulcerative colitis It is an inflammatory condition of rectum and colon. Related to stress, westernized diet, autoimmune factor, familial tendency, allergic factor. Disease commonly starts in the rectum, spreads proximally to the colon and often into the ileum as back wash ileitis . Aetiology   Westernized diet , red meat and very less common in vegetarians.  Defective mucin production in the colonic mucosa and mucosal immunological reaction.   Autoimmune factors - Cytotoxic T lymphocytes against colonic epithelial cells and presence of anticolon antibodies. Association with HLA DR2 is observed in ulcerative colitis.    Familial in nature .  Allergy to milk and other dietary factors.  Excess reactive oxidative metabolism in ulcerative colitis.   Psychological aspects, stress, life style, personality disorders Appendicectomy and smoking protects ulcerative colitis especially from extraintestinal features and from postopera...